Like a comforting embrace, our vibrant bouquet expresses your warm condolences beautifully. A gathering of yellow and orange blooms with hints of pink and purple, it’s a gesture of sympathy they will long appreciate.
All-around arrangement of hot pink roses and carnations; orange Asiatic lilies and Peruvian lilies (alstroemeria); yellow sunflowers; lavender stock; purple monte casino; green Athos poms; accented with assorted greenery
Artistically designed in a glass vase
Large arrangement does not include carnations; measures approximately 13″H x 13″L; vase measures 6″H
Medium arrangement; measures approximately 12″H x 12″L; vase measures 5″H
Small arrangement does not include stock; measures approximately 11″H x 11″L; vase measures 5″
Our florists hand-design each arrangement, so colors, varieties and container may vary due to local availability
To ensure lasting beauty, lilies may arrive in bud form, and will fully bloom over the next few days
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